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How People Feel About Facial Moles

Doctor checking moles on patient's skin.

Facial moles are features that typically put people in one of two camps – you either love them or hate them. However, the conversation is more nuanced than such narrow opinions. For instance, what did you instantly think of when you read the words “facial moles?” For some, an image of beauty spots immediately springs to mind. For others, moles are clear and unsightly blemishes on otherwise perfect skin.

It is also important to remember that facial moles come in different sizes, shapes and colors. Then there is the location of the mole to consider. That’s before the differences between how you see yourself and how you are seen by others becomes part of the discussion. When all is said and done, only the person whose life is affected by having a mole should get to make the final determination.

Mole Removal & Personal Image

If you love your facial mole – great! But it is wrong to tell others how they should experience their own identity. An individual who does not like the appearance of a facial mole may never accept it as an attractive feature. In some cases, opinions are simply based on subjectivity. If friends or loved ones really do not like how a facial mole looks or makes them feel, pushing the issue of acceptance is not helpful.

Every individual has the right to determine how they feel about personal image. From the clothes that we wear to our personal hairstyle preferences, people are making statements about appearance every day. With access to safe and effective cosmetic surgeries, those choices often extend to changing other aspects of personal appearance such as having facial moles removed.

Removing Facial Moles for Increased Confidence

Removing facial moles is often a way for an individual to increase confidence. When countless people tell you that you’re beautiful but a mole paints a different picture in your mind’s eye, you have the power to change that perception. A mole removal consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon is the first step. Having your facial mole assessed and gaining insight into healing outcomes may be all you need to make the right choice.

Dr. Myla Bennett from Preserve your Pretty Skin and Body will provide compassionate consultation and care if you are considering having a facial mole removed. To discuss your hopes for aesthetic improvements and increased confidence, call our Johns Creek, GA offices today.

Posted on behalf of Preserve Your Pretty Skin & Body

10700 Medlock Bridge Road, Suite 104
Johns Creek, GA 30097

Phone: (678) 325-0006


Mon - Thurs: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm

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10700 Medlock Bridge Road, Suite 104
Johns Creek, GA 30097

Office Hours:

Mon - Thurs: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm

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